Thursday, February 5, 2009

God is good, All the time

He put a song of praise in this heart of mine, God is good...
Reminicsing of VBS past. The fun, the lessons I learned beyond the one that were actually being taught. I never imagined that I would have enjoyed directing a program as spectacular as Vacation Bible School. I still remember the day Jim Brown, handed me the first kit and said, "since you all are youth directors this is your responsibility". What a shock but what a blessing. Those experiences helped start the leadership skills that I am working to develop at RBC. I look back at each of those 5 years and know that there were things I did wrong, no question and then there were things that weren't exactly as good as I hoped but mostly I remember the fun the kids and adults had during the events and I thank God for allowing me to be a part of something like that.
My prayer now is toward something a little bigger. I hope to gain some more knowledge and a little more experience before I embark on my dream. I'm trusting God will send me into new learning experience but maybe not so unknowingly as the last.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well, why not?

Ok so I'm very new to this blogging thing but I've always enjoyed reading others so I thought I would give it a try. This will serve as an opportunity to vent or share about the days ahead. I honestly don't think I am crazy but there are some who question, actually more than I like to admit really. I am a wife (almost 10 years), a mommy of three (6, 4, & 2) and a full-time (17 credit hours) college student (working towards a Bachelor's in Leadership and Administration with Youth and Family Studies minor at Roanoke Bible College.) In addition to those things I am also the PTA President at my children's Elementary school and I am beginning to get plugged in to some areas of service at the new church we just began attending recently. Did I forget to mention I also own my own business as a independent Sales Consultant for SimplyFun, an awesome game and puzzle company. I do game parties in homes and giveaway FREE stuff to those who have the parties.
A little info on my wonderful hubby, he is also a full time student, not quite as many hours as I though, he is closer to being done. He is in a traveling musical group with the school, he does maintanence jobs for the school and handyman work for those we know. He is the most honest man you will ever meet. Seriously he can not lie about anything, not even keeping a secret, at first I thought it was annoying, but now I find it very admirable. He is beginning an eight month internship with the minister and youth minister at our church. Although he was a youth minister for 5 years before we came to NC he has to do the internships to fulfill the program requirements for graduation next year. I guess you could say we like our plates full but to be honest I think we function better when we are serving as God wants us to.

My biggest interests now are learning things like how to save money on all things, how to make our life as organized as possible to lessen the everyday stress and ways to be a better Christian wife and mother.
I have been trying to plan menus and use coupons off and on for a while now but I have found some things to make that easier in recent weeks. I have always loved shopping, but over the last few months going to the grocery store began to serious send me into panic attacks and I dreaded the thought of walking into any store. I would always spend more than I had planned and feel guilty for it. Even though my hubby would reassure me that it is food and we need it I would not feel better right away. But just about 2 weeks ago I found some great websites with printable coupons and also had my grandmother in law begin saving the weekly coupons for me from the newspaper. Then planned a full week or two of meals before writing my list. I went to the store so prepared for the first time in years. When I got home I was so excited I couldn't stop telling my hubby all the great deals had gotten. I love shopping again.
For one reason or another I have not been grocery shopping again since then but I'm ready to do so when it is time. I'm hoping to get into a regular routine in the coming weeks and make Monday mornings my grocery shopping Morning. Using Sunday to get my coupons and menu in order. Get the kids off to school and the little one up and out, just the two of us. Letting daddy have some study time alone. I would love to get my laundry down to two days a week. I have just started scheduling one on one time between the kids and hubby and I. Mon is mommy and daddy night, Tues is Phillip's night with one of us, Wed is either Family movie night or game night, Thurs Hannah gets one of us and Fri is Lydia's turn, Sat is a free day and Sun is of course church and family outing day. This is just one way to make sure there isn't so much craziness that the kids feel neglected by either of us. It makes a huge difference in their attitude at home and school.
Well I guess I'll get better at shortening these blogs but I have a lot on my mind so I will be back soon.